Saturday, January 24, 2009

An opportunity to help save a life

Hello everyone

I was glancing through the paper and came across an article that really moved me. as some of you know, I work for UMC, the county hospital in Las Vegas. Our hospital is going through some very large cutbacks in services because the county simple does not have enough money to cover all the many great needs of our community. As a result of this money crisis, my hospital has cut out most of the outpatient resources to focus on inpatient care, those patients being the most acute in illness and they need the most care. Consequently, the outpatient cancer infusion center has closed. This is the center that Nana recieved her intial round of chemo therapy after her ovarian cancer surgery. Our family knows that saved her life. Nana's orginal Gyn- onocology doctors Futoran, and Spirtos. have stepped up to personally help those individuals who do not have the resources to go anywhere else for their chemo infusion treatments. They have emptied space in their offices and are treating patients on an individual basis without concern for cost. These doctors not only are donating their time ,office space, & equipment but are also covering most of the cost for the cancer drugs. These drugs run $250.00 per person per infusion. What awesome doctor!! They really do care about their patients beyound what anyone else has done in this community. I feel really priviledged to have not only had them to help diagnose and treat Nana on the onset of her cancer, but I work with these doctors on a weekly basis. I feel heavenly father has truely blessed me with such great life experiences such as these. If anyone wishes to donate 5 -10 dollars towards helping this doctors defray some of the costs, contact me and I will make sure the doctors get the donations. I intend to donate some money on a regular basis because they helped save my mom's life which has meant the world to me. The women undergoing the chemo infusions are also someone else's mother or sister or daughter. I am also going to start selling some baked goods, such as pies & cakes to raise money for this cause as well. So, if any one is interested in purchasing any baked goods also let me know. Our family knows personally how devasting cancer is and how wonderful it is when you have a great outcome such as our Nana's. We have an opportunity to change someone's life, literally, with a small donation. I hope we can free up a little cash to help someone else have a great outcome. Rebecca

1 comment:

  1. Hey guys...i just wanted to send my love. I hope everything went well at the service. Smoochies
